Partnership enterprise

美 [ˈpɑːrtnərʃɪp ˈentərpraɪz]英 [ˈpɑːtnəʃɪp ˈentəpraɪz]
  • 网络合伙企业
Partnership enterprisePartnership enterprise
  1. Chinese partnership enterprise law system needs improving in some aspects .


  2. Legal Risk and Prevention on Corporate Investment in General Partnership Enterprise


  3. On the Principles of Commercial Law in the Revision of Law of Partnership Enterprise


  4. Consideration and Suggestion to " Law of Partnership Enterprise ( Draft )"


  5. On Legal Status of Partnership Enterprise


  6. The article deals with the problems of partnership enterprise in macro and micro views .


  7. The Examination of Partnership Enterprise Equity


  8. On Legal Status of Partnership Enterprise An Approach On the Chain-sale of commodity


  9. The partnership enterprise , as a market player , plays an increasingly important role in the market-oriented economy .


  10. From theory perspective , our previous efforts in research of bankruptcy of partnership enterprise have seen certain achievements .


  11. On the Individual-Central Structure of the Division of Powers in Partnership Enterprise


  12. Partnership Enterprise , which is an ancient and a viable form of business organization , has a long history .


  13. There are still many debates at home and abroad , whether a company juridical person may invest a partnership enterprise .


  14. The scope of business of the branch office may not exceed the scope of business of the foreign-funded partnership enterprise .


  15. All the partners were judged to bear joint liabilities because they were partners of the partnership enterprise .


  16. A partnership enterprise shall engage in business operations in accordance with law within the registration matters approved by the enterprise registration organ .


  17. To apply for the registration of a partnership enterprise , an applicant shall be responsible for the authenticity of the application materials .


  18. In 2007 " Partnership Enterprise Law " has established a limited partnership enterprise system , which provide a new system and legal platform for the Private Equity Funds .


  19. The new partner shall undertake joint liability for the debts of the partnership enterprise incurred before he enters into the partnership .


  20. Municipal and county organs of industry and commerce administration shall be responsible for the partnership enterprise registration in areas under their respective jurisdiction .


  21. These Provisions shall apply to the registration of formation , registration of change and cancellation of registration of a foreign-funded partnership enterprise .


  22. In response to that demand , Finance and Economics Committee of the National People 's Congress has already set about the revision research of Partnership Enterprise Law .


  23. Creditors to partners and creditors to the partnership enterprise is equal in the procedure of bankruptcy liquidation for each partner .


  24. The partnership enterprise should belong to which called the other organizations , and based on its ability of civil rights , it should have the qualification of a civil subject .


  25. If necessary , a foreign-funded partnership enterprise or any branch officer thereof may apply to the registration organ for two or more copies of the business license .


  26. However , it 's a pity that though we have already issued and implemented " The Partnership Enterprise Act " in China , it is to manufacturing industry and commercial enterprises ;


  27. Sc , there are very different requirements in the " Company Law " and the " Partnership Enterprise Law " on the problem of whether or not the company can become a general partner .


  28. Partnership Enterprise Act of PRC Article 92 provides that the partnership can not be liquidated due debt , bankruptcy proceedings can be applied to clean up its obligations .


  29. In 2006 , the newly amended Enterprise Bankruptcy Law and Partnership Enterprise Law have established the concept of bankruptcy of partnership enterprise , and consequently provided legislative authority for it .


  30. Now , we made LLP in our new revision of the " Partnership Enterprise Law " after years of preparation in order to enable our accounting firms to compare with international ones .
